Once you have requested help through our telephone support service or through our online support, someone will be in touch with you within as soon as possible (Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm) to confirm your request. It’s really important that we confirm your request with you before we action it, so make sure you give us the correct contact information.
Once everything has been confirmed, sit back and let us take care of the rest. We’ll be delighted to help you with providing you a food parcel, or setting up a time to chat over the phone.
Need help again?
Simply repeat the steps! We’re more than happy to help you as often as you need*. However, if you need more than three food parcels within a calendar year, you will need a referral.
*We reserve the right to cap the number of parcels and/or referrals given to any service user in order to ensure the system is being used correctly and that parity is shown to all service users.